
13 Movie Reviews

3 w/ Responses

Great stuff!

This is some good stuff--perhaps some of the best I've seen in a very long time!

However, being the type of person who pays great attention to detail, I've only one thing to nitpick about:

Imprints, depressions, and stamps appear backwards from the thing that left them. Unless it says TOIV on the bottom of his shoe, that is, the shoe's imprint left on the truck is inaccurate.

Don't take it the wrong way--constructive criticism and critical attention to detail makes an awesome flash artist even better! Keep up the great work!


I didn't find this flash very interesting. Overall, I found it rather dull. The visuals weren't very eye-catching at all. The mix of text only and text with voice over is actually something I'd toss into the "awful" bin. There were mispellings and grammatical errors all over the place. In some places, the voices were rather soft and/or unintelligible.

To be fair, I'll give you the fact that you made something that's better than what cannon fodder usually appears late-night.

Find some VAs. Friends love helping out.

Get someone to proofread your work--it doesn't matter if you're an English major or if you sucked at the subject in school; get someone else to go through and proofread it. Nothing says "I'm stupid" better than an article with noticable errors.

Improve the visuals. The colors used for character elements were rather unappealing and often clashed harshly. You may want to reconsider the shaping of the eyes used--it looked rather awkward. If you're going to animate mouths/lipsync, please don't use just the teeth. It looks halfassed.

This review might seem a bit harsh, but considering that I usually don't comment on people who don't try at all (the really bad) and people who don't have to try (the really good), I guess that you should take this as one of the constructive criticism reviews. I think you can go far and do better, just keep at it and don't become complacent.


Exactly what every parent tries to teach their children--because it sounds so CUTE, dammit! :D


I'm enjoying the series--this is what I'd hoped for. There's a good plot coming along, the fight scenes are spectacular and the animation's crisp and well-timed, and then there's the fact that Mario and Sonic are teamed up (I got tired of seeing all the Mario vs. Sonic stuff--about time for a change!) and it has a definite Dragonball Z flavor to the whole ordeal.

You've taken a few of my favorite things, stuffed them into a blender, hit "liquefy", poured it into a mug, and stuck it in a fridge--this series is cool, smooth, and satisfying. Plus, it has fewer carbs than Coors' Light.

Of course, there's always a little room for improvement (read: here comes the constructive criticism!). I agree with FengShuiMan that there needs to be a little bit of variety when the "Power Attack" flash appears--I can pretty much guarantee that your audience will start to say something along the lines of, "Oh, here comes yet another Power Backhand-slap-to-the-face," after a while. What I like best about your fight scenes is that they're so unpredictable--by changing up the type of attack rather than using the flash to signal a power hit, you will maintain that unpredictability, keep your audience entertained LONGER, and you'll have no problems reeling people in to watch the episodes the longer the series gets.

The only other thing that looked off in this particular episode alone was the Emerald Radar. With all the characters pixelated, it seemed a bit awkward when Mario was holding it in his hands, but that's usually true when it comes to drawn objects being used in a sprite Flash--it breaks a bit of the illusion and setting that the sprite movie creates: it is a video game.

Other than that, AWESOME series. Keep up the good work, man!


There's a few unwritten rules when it comes to making a good flash movie, and this breaks a few of them.

For example, there is never a good time to use "LOL" in a Flash.

Also, grammar is your friend. Even if you're not that great in English class, double-check your work. It'll at least create the illusion that you've got a lot more smarts than most of the people who submit crap into the portal.

The humor's a bit overplayed as it's been done before, but don't get me wrong. This isn't a BAD flash.

It isn't all that great, either.

Keep working on it.

CrazyVS responds:

Meh, for my second solo flash i think its good, but thanks for the tips

Looks like the start of something good.

Sorry to hear that you backed out on the project. Maybe someday you'll pick it back up.

Until then, it definitely looks good! I'm a Megaman fan, so I'm a bit picky about these things.

My eyes are burning...

No offense, but you could give someone a seizure with this Flash...

MelloYelloClock responds:

yes well, ya


Go, bunny! Kick some ass! :D

This brought a smile to my face. :)

Fairly decent! n_n

There's nothing quite as cool as Boba Fett rapping. XD

Jordanog responds:



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